Training in the Heat. Webinar
Why you have to work harder for less reward in summer, and what to do about it.
We all agree that it is more difficult to run well when it's hot. Perceived effort increases and race times suffer. For every 6 degree increase in air temperature above 13 degrees, there is a 1.5% - 3% increase in marathon finish times. What are the best strategies to combat the heat? What are the positive aspects of training in the heat? How can I best negotiate the warmer weather? How do I make sure that I am getting the benefits of the warm weather? Training in the Heat. Webinar.When: Tuessday, November 14. 7:00-8:30PM.
Where: Webinar via Zoom. Webinar access details will be emailed to you after registration. Cost: $20.00 Presented By: James Kuegler |