It can take months or even years to train your body to optimum running performance. Muscles must strengthen, tendons lengthen. They must become gradually accustomed to increasingly intense activity.
Almost every runner will experience challenges along the way. There will be weeks when a physical constraint or sub-optimal expression of health may slow your training. The key is to respond appropriately. Stop pushing at the right time, and start again as soon as you are ready. This is where cross-training and mobility are crucial. That is what will keep your body in readiness if you are not able to run.
Because consistency is the key. You simply won’t progress if you stop running for weeks every few months. You will lose form and lose conditioning.
Make your running and cross training as regular and natural as your daily meals. Look for opportunities to fit running in. Run all or part of the way to work on some days. Get out early or late if you have busy days. Join a running group or squad. Reinforce your commitment whenever you can.
It will all pay off with consistency and you will be surprised at what you can achieve.